Current Bible Studies

Current Bible Studies

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Class



Wednesday Evening Adult Bible Class




The Book of Acts

Fourth Quarter 2024 Sunday Morning Auditorium Class
Class Teacher is Tim Smelser.
Class Title is "The Book of Acts".

Link: Sunday Morning Bible Study Stream

The Book of Acts is volume two of Luke's two volume set. In these two books (Luke and Acts) Luke sets forth, in a well-organized, systematic way, how Jesus Christ fulfilled God’s purpose and how He continues to fulfill that purpose in and through His people. Our goal for this study is not just to understand the story of Jesus and His people; our goal is to become that story today.

October 06Lesson 01First Missionary JourneyActs 13
October 13Lesson 02Iconium, Lystra and DerbeActs 14
October 20Lesson 03The Jerusalem ConferenceActs 15:1-15:35
October 27Lesson 04Second Missionary JourneyActs 15:36-16:40
November 3Lesson 05Thessalonica, Athens and CorinthActs 17:1-18:22
November 10Lesson 06Third Missionary JourneyActs 18:23-19:41
November 17Lesson 07Returning to JerusalemActs 20
November 24Lesson 08Paul Arrested in JerusalemActs 21-22
December 1Lesson 09Paul Sent to CaesareaActs 23
December 8Lesson 10PPaul before FelixActs 24
December 15Lesson 11Paul before FestusActs 25-26
December 22Lesson 12Paul Sails to ItalyActs 27
December 29Lesson 13Malta and Arrival in RomeActs 28



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Our Home in Heaven

Fourth Quarter 2024 Sunday Morning in Adult Classroom
Class Teachers are Jimmy Marquis and Tom Palmer
Class Title is "Our Home in Heaven".

Lesson 1October 6Heaven: God’s Eternal Home
Lesson 2October 13Jesus Christ - Trailblazer to Heaven
Lesson 3October 20"What is Man?"
Lesson 4October 27Jesus Prepares Us for the Moment
Lesson 5November 3"Unless One is Born Again."
Lesson 6November 10Conformed to the Image of His Son
Lesson 7November 17Living a Heavenly Life on Earth
Lesson 8November 24Working to be Rewarded and Remembered
Lesson 9December 1Help from Heaven
Lesson 10December 8Hindrances and Obstacles
Lesson 11December 15Paint me a Picture
Lesson 12December 22We Are being Prepared for Something Great
Lesson 13September 29The Glorious Day: When We All Get to Heaven



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Glorifying God in the World Today - My Role and How to Achieve it

Fourth Quarter 2024 Wednesday Evening Men's Bible Class Syllabus.
This class will be taught by various teachers in the Auditorium.
Class Title is "Glorifying God in the World Today - My Role and How to Achieve it"

Link: Wednesday Evening Bible Study Stream

Glorify means “to ascribe glory to; adore. To elevate in honor: reflect glory upon.” The purpose of all created beings, especially those who are His children, is to glorify God because He is worthy of all glory, honor and power (Rev. 4:11).

Glorifying God in your life means to recognize and respond to God's attributes and acts, and to live in a way that reflects His goodness. In our class this quarter we will examine key attributes that will help us in Glorifying God in our lives.

We will identify the individual talents that God has given each of us and how to use those talents for His Glory. We will conclude the class by evaluating how we can Glorify God in our relationships.

If we expect to be with God in glory in our eternal home in heaven, we must glorify Hime while we live here on earth.


Lesson 01October 09Introduction - What does it mean to Glorify God 
Lesson 02October 16Attributes to help me Glorify God in my life - Kindness and Mercy 
Lesson 03October 23Attributes to help me Glorify God in my life - Humility 
Lesson 04October 30Attributes to help me Glorify God in my life - Integrity 
Lesson 05November 06Attributes to help me Glorify God in my life - Forbearance & Forgiveness 
Lesson 06November 13Attributes to help me Glorify God in my life - Grateful 
Lesson 07November 20Using my Talents to Glorify God - Leading by example 
Lesson 08November 27Glorifying God in my Relationships - Our Marriages 
Lesson 9December 4Glorifying God in my Relationships - Parents and Family 
Lesson 10December 11Glorifying God in my Relationships - Brothers and Sisters in Christ 
Lesson 11December 18Glorifying God in my Relationships - Friends and Co-Workers 
Lesson 12December 25SingingN/A
Lesson 13January 01Glorifying God in my Relationships - Sharpen Each Other While Finishing Strong 



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Glorifying God - In Our Roles as Women

Fourth Quarter 2024 Wednesday Evening Women's Bible Class Syllabus.
In Classroom 2. We have various roles as women. Sometimes we fill multiple roles at once. These roles may not always be the same from one individual to another, and our roles may change over time. Nevertheless, in whatever role(s) we find ourselves, there is the opportunity to serve and bring God glory in how we live, speak, and act. The topic this quarter will hopefully encourage us to strive to bring God glory in our current roles; as well as provide some insight on how we can encourage our sisters in Christ who may be in different roles or seasons than we are.
Class Title is "Glorifying God - In Our Roles as Women"

Lesson 01October 09Introduction: What does it mean to glorify God?Christine Smelser
Lesson 02October 16As a Mother (Part 1)Sunnie Buchanan
Lesson 03October 23As a Mother (Part 2)Sunnie Buchanan
Lesson 04October 30As a Single Woman (Part 1)Christine Smelser
Lesson 05November 6As a Single Woman (Part 2)Christine Smelser
Lesson 06November 13As a Wife (Part 1)Janet Marquis
Lesson 07November 20As a Wife (Part 2)Janet Marquis
Lesson 08November 27As an Older Woman (Part 1)Jan Dodd
Lesson 9December 4As an Older Woman (Part 2)Jan Dodd
Lesson 10December 11Workshop: Having One-on-One Bible StudiesSummer Mauldin
Lesson 11December 18As a Sister in Christ (Part 1)Annie Warner
Lesson 12December 25Singing NightN/A
Lesson 13January 1As a Sister in Christ (Part 2)Annie Warner



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The Book of Acts

Third Quarter 2024 Sunday Morning Auditorium Class
Class Teacher is Tim Smelser.
Class Title is "The Book of Acts".

Link: Sunday Morning Bible Study Stream

The Book of Acts is volume two of Luke's two volume set. In these two books (Luke and Acts) Luke sets forth, in a well-organized, systematic way, how Jesus Christ fulfilled God’s purpose and how He continues to fulfill that purpose in and through His people. Our goal for this study is not just to understand the story of Jesus and His people; our goal is to become that story today.

July 07Lesson 01The AscensionActs 1
July 14Lesson 02The Day of PentecostActs 2
July 21Lesson 03Healing a Lame ManActs 3
July 28Lesson 04Peter and John ArrestedActs 4
August 4Lesson 05Ananias and SapphiraActs 5
August 11Lesson 06Seven Chosen to ServeActs 6
August 18Lesson 07Preaching and Death of StephenActs 7
August 25Lesson 08Simon and the Ethiopian OfficialActs 8
September 1Lesson 09Saul on the Road to DamascusActs 9
September 8Lesson 10Peter and CorneliusActs 10
September 15Lesson 11The Church in AntiochActs 11
September 22Lesson 12Peter ImprisonedActs 12
September 29Gospel Meeting - Bell Hall



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Following the Kings

Third Quarter 2024 Sunday Morning in Adult Classroom
Class Teachers is Lewis Wheaton
Class Title is "Following the Kings: How God’s People should be Regardless of the Earthly King".

Classically when we study the Kings, we focus on the kings themselves and their various levels of success and failure. However, less frequently we consider the people under the kings and how they influenced and followed leadership. During the quarter, we will focus on what the Bible tells us about this era in relation to 3 core questions:

  1. How did the people react to God’s instructions before the era of the kings?
  2. What struggles did the people have as the kings led the people, and what caused this?
  3. What lessons could the people have learned, and what lessons can we learn from these people?


Lesson 1July 7A Difficult Beginning
“The people of Israel again did what was evil…”
Judges 3:12
Lesson 2July 14Contrasting legacies
“…worthless men…” vs “…his mother would make him a little robe…”
1 Sam 2:12-19; 8:3
Lesson 3July 21Prioritizing political alignment
“…according to all your heart’s desire.”
1 Sam 23: 15-24
Lesson 4April 28How did we get here?
“…his head shall be thrown to you over the wall”
2 Sam 19-20
Lesson 5August 4A mother’s wisdom
“Do not give your strength to women, your ways to those who destroy kings.”
Prov 31
Lesson 6August 11God’s people choose division
“This thing became a sin…”
1 Kings 12
Lesson 7August 18Led deeper into sin
“They took him outside the city and stoned him with stones…”
1 Kings 21
Lesson 8August 25A focused renewal
“The battle is not yours, but God’s”
2 Chron 20: 13-17
Lesson 9September 1The people want what they want
“…led the inhabitants of Jerusalem into whoredom…”
2 Chron 21: 8-11
Lesson 10September 8God’s people aren’t warned alone
“Thus says the Lord…”
Lesson 11September 15Times of refreshing
“They brough out all the uncleanness that they found in the temple of the Lord…”
2 Chron 29: 11-19
Lesson 12September 22The final lesson?
“…the people likewise were exceedingly unfaithful…”
2 Chron 36: 14-21
Lesson 13September 29Did this have to happen? The lesson for us…
“…our king may judge us, and go out before us, and fight our battles.”
1 Sam 8



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2024 Summer Series

Third Quarter 2024 Wednesday Evening Bible Class Syllabus.
This class will be taught by various teachers in the auditorium.
Class Title is "Summer Series 2024 - God, My Heart, and the World"

Link: Wednesday Evening Bible Study Stream

Lesson 01July 10Loving the World, While Loving NOT the WorldTim Smelser
Lesson 02July 17God, My Heart, and Priorities (so busy, distracted, work, sports, etc.)Dan Petty
Lesson 03July 24God, My Heart, and Stuff (materialism, clamoring for things, wealth, etc.)Phillip Martin
Lesson 04July 31God, My Heart, and Entertainment (movies, TV, music, Hollywood)Phillip Shumake
Lesson 05August 7God, My Heart, and Words (lying, gossip, cursing, etc.)Josh Carter
Lesson 06August 14God, My Heart, and Clothes (dressing in a godly way, not a worldly way)David Maxson
Lesson 07August 21God, My Heart, and Social Media (what do I portray via FB, Instagram, etc.)Jonathan Page
Lesson 08August 28God, My Heart, and Sex (God’s view of sexuality, positively and negatively)Bill Sanchez
Lesson 9September 4God, My Heart, and Family (immediate, relatives, brethren)Blake Edwards
Lesson 10September 11God, My Heart, and Pride (absence of humility, being self-serving)Kristopher Sanders
Lesson 11September 18God, My Heart, and Intoxication (drinking, drugs, abuse of legal drugs, etc.)Steven Tramell
Lesson 12September 25God, My Heart, and Companions (friends, co-workers, even family)Carson Crow



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